
Friday, June 5, 2009

What's Next?

Recently divorced, currently unemployed single parent, trying to acheive goals before the end of this month is out so that I may maintain stability of my current living situation.... Each and everyday is a day closer to the month being over, as well as a day closer to a potential "NEW" career... it hasn't been easy but "HEY" whoever said life would be easy.... I try to live each and everyday thinking positive along with remembering that God will never put too much on me that I cannot bare.. Eventhough currently I'm without "ANY" income coming in with bills due again next month I try not to panic and I am greatful to still have a roof over our heads, food, water, lights, transportation, and "GREAT" health!!

I try to remind myself that sometime's God put's us in situation's to bring us closer to him. And to stay foccused knowing that for every hardship come ease and that if I have doubt in how merciful "HE" is then I don't have "ALL" my trust in him like it should be.... So just remembering these beneficial things everyday is what keeps me motivated to stay strong instead of allowing the negative thinking to outweight the positive....

I am still human and of course those negative thought's do get to me sometime thinking well... What if this or that??? and having the fear of the unknown of what's NEXT???


  1. Hi how are you?
    I was looking through your blog and found it interesting and wanted to leave you a comment.

    I hope you will visit my art blog, and become friendly.
    Hope to hear from you soon,
    Jesse Noe

  2. This is one of the best blogs i have ever read, I really like how it tells all people to remain positive cause God will see you through. Keep writting and I'll keep reading.
